Cervical Cancer: What You Need To Know

Cervical cancer is considered to be one of the most common cancers that can affect women all over the world. It ranks second to breast cancer. It is caused by the human papillomavirus or HPV and is characterized by the abnormal growth of cells in the woman’s cervix. According to experts, this virus cases an infection in the cervix and a woman is prone to this infection if they have multiple sexual partners or have not practiced safe sex. Women may get infected from partners who have acquired HPV from other women.
woman in pain
Cervical cancer starts in the cells in the cervix’s surface and soon invade deeply into the cervix and neighboring tissues. These cells can break away from the the cervical tumor and spread out, travel through lymph vessels and nodes.

On the other hand, not all HPV strain leads to cancer. Here are some things that you need to know about cervical cancer and how you can protect yourself from getting infected.

Early Detection is Prevention

Women may not experience any symptoms of the illness on the early part, but as it progresses a patient may notice vaginal bleeding in between periods or after having intercourse. Sexual intercourse may also become painful for the patient and some complained about having a foul-smelling discharge.

One of the ways to prevent cervical cancer is early detection. Women who have become sexually active should have pap smear regularly. This process should not only be done when you have kids or you are about to start taking pills.

Apart from pap smear, cervical cancer vaccines are also available now. This vaccine is given at three doses within six months. This is ideally given to girls as early as 10 years old, but expert advise that women should always practice safe sex to prevent any transmissible illnesses.

When to see your Doctor?

Vaginal discharge should prompt women to consult go to the doctor since this kind of cancer usually start from vaginal infection. Any abnormal bleeding while you are on your reproductive stage or during menopause should cause alarm to a patient and immediately seek their doctor.

Image courtesy of Marin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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