7 Ways To Help You Look and Feel Your Best

look and feel your bestPhoto by Svyatoslav Romanov on Unsplash

One upside to looking and feeling your best is that you can boost your confidence level and feel happier in general. There are a few ways for how you can achieve this goal and truly love the person who’s looking back in the mirror.

It’ll take some extra effort and lifestyle changes on your part, but they’re solutions that will certainly pay off in the end. Focus on yourself more, and spend less time comparing yourself to others if you want to get to a better place. Do what makes you feel the most beautiful and stop worrying so much about what the outside world thinks of you.

1. Build Confidence

Avoid hiding in the shadows of others and start to build confidence in yourself. You can do this by regularly challenging yourself and getting comfortable making mistakes. Figure out what you’re good at and like to do so you can see for yourself all the talents you have to offer. Take care of your mind and body and you won’t have any trouble looking and feeling your best. Focus on practicing positive self-talk so you can continue to lift yourself up even when you face obstacles and aren’t able to meet your goals. Visualize how you want to be and then make changes that are going to help you transform these wishes into reality.

2. Consider what You’re Putting in Your Body

It’s a wise idea to eat healthy and stay away from consuming too much sugar and alcohol. However, it’s not only about what you eat and drink, but also what vitamins and supplements you’re using as well. Take time to do your research and find out more about which supplements are dangerous and that you should stay away from completely. Always be fully informed and educated about certain products before you trust them to do what they say they will. Look and feel your best when you’re living a healthy lifestyle and staying away from what could turn out to be self-destructive in nature.

3. Relax & have A Sense of Humor

You can look and feel your best when you’re relaxed and able to have a sense of humor when situations don’t go as planned. Getting frustrated and bent out of shape easily isn’t attractive and will only make your life more difficult in the end. Do more of what makes you feel joyful and be able to laugh at yourself to help keep your energy and positivity levels high. Get your stress levels in check and focus on what it is you do love about yourself to help keep your spirits high. Worry less about what others think of you and stay focused on what it is you appreciate about yourself and you think you bring to the table. Try to be a little more carefree, and you’ll likely see that your life unfolds nicely in a positive direction.

4. Spend Time in Nature

Look and feel your best when you spend less time online comparing and contrasting and more time in nature. Go for long walks outside and enjoy taking in the beautiful sights, pleasant smells and soothing sounds around you. You’ll not only be getting exercise and burning calories, but you’ll also be reducing your amount of stress you’re feeling and attending to your mental health. You’ll look and feel your best when you get in tune with yourself on a deeper level and make time for getting lost in deep thought. Do this often enough, and you’ll truly feel more relaxed and at peace with yourself and in your life.

5. Pamper Yourself

Don’t be afraid to spend time pampering yourself every once in a while. This can include heading to the spa or sleeping in on the weekends. Other ideas may be meditating, practicing yoga or reading a book and resting. You can look and feel your best when you put self-care and your needs at the top of your to-do list. Avoid feeling guilty for taking time for you and instead simply allow yourself to enjoy what you’re doing at the time.

6. Revamp Your Closet

Your clothes and style say a lot about you and ultimately represent who you are as a person. What you wear will make you feel more or less confident overall and impact your self-esteem, so it’s in your best interest to make choices that allow you to feel comfortable. It’s time to go through your closet and get rid of or donate what you don’t wear or is no longer fashionable. Revamp your closet and replace old and outdated apparel with more chic and trendy options that will make you look and feel your best. This is a fun project you can do over the course of a weekend, which will deliver the beauty results you’ve been looking for.

7. Smile More

Putting a smile on your face goes a long way in regards to improving your mental health and making you come across as more beautiful to others. You can look and feel your best each day by simply making it a point to smile more and not be so grumpy. Your attitude will naturally turn around for the better and others will notice that you seem more approachable. Practice doing so in the mirror and see how your face lights up and you automatically feel happier on the inside. Also, the act of smiling will make you more attractive without you having to spend any money improving your looks.

Looking and feeling your best is essentially a choice, and it’s up to you to make it happen. Use these tips to get you started on the right track so you can transform yourself for the better. Notice how doing so not only enhances your outlook about yourself, but that others begin to notice your improvements as well. Remember that your life and how you react to certain situations is in your hands, so take ownership and accountability for how you want to see your future days play out.

How To Overcome Your Fear Of Aging

fear of agingPhoto by C_Scott @ Pixabay

It’s normal to have a fear of aging so don’t panic if this topic has been on your mind lately. Be glad to know there are practical ways for how you can overcome your dread of growing old and enjoy your future.

Be kind to yourself as you adjust and don’t get too caught up in focusing on the number of years you have lived. Look forward to all that’s yet to come and that you will now have more time to explore the unknown and seek out new possibilities for yourself. Get excited about setting fresh goals and challenging yourself to take on novel adventures.

Focus on the Positives

Overcome your fear of aging by continuing to focus on all the positives that come with this next stage in your life. For example, it may be that you don’t have to work any longer and have more free time to spend with your grandchildren and spouse. You may also finally have the opportunity to explore new hobbies and activities that you didn’t have time for when you were tied down to your job. You may come to realize you’re a lot less stressed out and anxious and that you truly enjoy this newfound freedom.

Prepare for the Transition

One of the most important steps you can take to overcome your fear of aging is to protect your health. Prepare for the transition of heading into retirement age and beyond by securing health insurance and looking into your options such as medicare supplement insurance. Unfortunately, aging could bring on health complications that are unfamiliar to you, and you have to be equipped to handle them. It’s better to be prepared for the worse than to be caught off guard and feeling lost.

Open up to Others & Build Relationships

Make it a point to connect with others and regularly cultivate your relationships with a variety of generations. You’ll likely be able to overcome your fear of aging when you open up to those around you and seek out advice from individuals who are older and wiser. Listen to their advice and all the upsides they have to share about getting older so you can begin to worry less. Avoid alienating yourself or feeling like you have to deal with this type of change all on your own.

Change Your Attitude

Attitude has a lot to do with how you approach your life and this type of transformation specifically. You can overcome your fear of aging by simply altering your outlook on the matter and welcoming this transition with open arms. Proactively shift your perspective to see all the good that can come from you having more time to yourself to travel and participate in self-care activities.


While you may not be looking forward to aging, be optimistic about the fact that there’s a lot of good that can come from it. Put these tips into practice to help you overcome your fear of growing old so you can continue to live your life without hesitation. Stay hopeful you’ll be able to see the bright side of the situation and rise above your doubts.

How to Stay Looking Young as You Get Older

staying youngPhoto by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

As you get older, there are some things which can happen that are largely out of your control, such as gray hair, hair loss, and wrinkles. However, there are many other things that you can control, and it’s these that can make the difference to how young you look and how long you live. Here are some of the top tips for staying young in both your mind and your body.


Even though you can’t decide when you go gray or when you lose your hair or your eyesight, there are things you can do which will help you to lessen these effects. For example, if you are going gray, then there is no reason why you shouldn’t dye your hair if you feel the need. Many people, both men and women, dye their hair, and it can create a more youthful look. For those people who lose their hair, especially at a young age, it can cause a number of issues with self-esteem and confidence. There are many treatments which are on the market that claim to help restore hair loss, and there are hair replacement procedures you can also use. If you start to find that your eyesight is getting worse, then you don’t have to rely on glasses. Although glasses are more fashionable than ever, many still don’t like the idea of wearing them. Instead, you could decide to wear contact lenses like this product, or you can even have laser eye surgery to correct the problem.

Positive Mental Attitude

There are typically two types of people: those who are pessimistic and think that almost everything will go wrong and put a negative slant on things, and positive people that think the opposite. For many, this way of thinking is part of their character and the way they have been raised, though you can learn to be positive if you try simple techniques. There is increasing evidence to suggest that a positive mental attitude is something that can have a profound effect on your health and how long you live. For example, one study published by the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health found that of 100,000 women, optimists were 30 percent less likely to die of heart disease than pessimists. The key is to look at life as a series of opportunities instead of hurdles. It is this type of positive thinking that can help you live longer and suffer less disease.

Don’t Act Your Age

The saying ‘you are only as old as you feel’ is true in many ways. Your physical appearance can sometimes determine how old you feel on the inside, which in turn affects your body. For example, if you are over the age of fifty and decide that you are now too old to go hiking, then you will convince yourself and your body that you’re right. That, in turn, will lead to your muscles getting weaker through lack of exercise, which will make you feel older and less able to do what you want to do. Age doesn’t limit the things you can do, however! Only your body can do that, so if you are physically able to do something, you should keep doing it until you can’t any longer.

Resist Mobility Aids Until Necessary

When you get older, you might find that your fitness starts to lessen and that it takes more to attain the level of fitness you had when you were younger. For some, this leads them to reduce their exercise and perhaps even to start using mobility aids like sticks and frames. The key is to try and avoid using these aids until you have to. If you feel that you can’t keep up with your old fitness routine, try to modify it, so you are working out for shorter periods or reducing the reps if you’re lifting weights. These small changes will allow you to keep going while stopping you from injuring yourself. If you feel that you have reached the point where you need to use aids, don’t let it stop you from keeping fit. You can still do many fitness routines sitting down, or standing still, so adjust your routine accordingly.

Keep Working

There are many studies which have found a correlation between retirement and early death. One study showed that for every year someone retires early, they lose about two months of life expectancy. You might think that you are looking forward to retirement because your job is stressful and demanding. However, it is also something to look forward to and a reason to get out of bed in the mornings. These are strong positive ideas that promote a better mental attitude. Not only that, but working promotes social interaction, keeps the mind active, and also keeps you fitter. If you are sure that your current job is getting too much, then there is no reason why you can’t retire, but get a part-time job to keep you busy. Even volunteering is a great way to stay healthy and be active long into your older years.

Set Positive Goals

Setting goals is an important part of a successful and fulfilling life. Those that have learned to set goals early in life have had more success than those that haven’t. It is this attitude that can also help you to live longer and stay younger because you are always looking forward to the next big thing. It also helps you to push your limits and explore new opportunities that others without this attitude miss. The best idea is to think of something that you think is a big and bold goal and set the wheels in motion to achieve it. What that goal is, depends on your own imagination and your determination to achieve it.

The overwhelming evidence from many studies is that your mental attitude to aging and the way you look is one of the most important factors to living a long and youthful life. Any way that you can promote that attitude in yourself is a positive step forward.

7 Ways To Reduce The Signs Of Aging

reduce signs of agingPhoto by Daniel Corneschi on Unsplash

We all get older, but not everyone wants to see those signs of aging when it happens! The world around us, pollution, our DNA in general can all mean that we can age a little faster, in terms of our skin and hair, for example, than we might like. However, there are some ways that you can stay looking youthful for longer, and not only will they keep you looking young, but in many cases, they are good for your health too. Take a look at these ideas and try to incorporate them into your life; you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes to your outlook and your aging process.

Keep A Good Weight

By maintaining a good, steady, healthy weight, you can easily reduce the signs of aging, as well as keeping yourself fit and healthy too. Although this is one of the best ways to look after yourself, it can also be one of the hardest to deal with because we all fall into certain habits when it comes to our food. To begin with, try reducing your portion sizes gradually rather than changing the food that you are eating. Rather than three large main meals, switch to five smaller meals instead: breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, then a snack in the afternoon, and finally dinner. Doing so keeps your metabolism working constantly, so there are no dips and peaks, and you won’t suddenly start craving sugar, for example.

Use Sunblock

Your skin can be hugely affected negatively by the UV rays from the sun. These rays can cause wrinkles and age spots, making us look older than we truly are. As well as this, of course, too much sun can contribute to various forms of skin cancer, so it makes sense for a variety of reasons to cover up as much as possible. Using sunblock at all times when you are outside, even if the day seems cloudy and hazy, is a good way to prevent sun damage from aging our skin prematurely. UV rays don’t have to feel hot to be causing damage, which is why it is important to use sunblock (or at least cover up with long sleeves and pants, and a wide-brimmed hat) as much as possible.

Look After Your Hair

Your hair can make you look younger than you are, or older than you are, and it all depends on its condition. If you want to look more youthful, looking after your hair is one of the best ways to go about it. It means washing it regularly (although not every day as this can strip it of its natural oils), and using conditioning treatments. If you find that you are losing your hair and want to retain it, there are even special laser caps you can wear that are intended to stimulate hair growth; you can read more about it here.


Youthful, glowing, healthy looking skin can be achieved through regular exfoliating, which is an easy (and pleasant) way to go about reducing the signs of aging. Exfoliation stops your pores from getting clogged with dirt and bacteria, which not only keeps everything look fresh but also reduces the chances of you having an acne breakout. Perhaps most importantly, regular exfoliating can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

There are lots of different exfoliators on the market, but since some solutions involve harsh chemicals, it is always best to speak to your doctor about the issue first. Your doctor may be able to prescribe something, and even if they can’t, they will be able to offer some advice. Making your own exfoliating solution is a good way to go about things; you’ll know exactly what is in it, and you can use completely natural ingredients. Research online will give you any number of excellent recipes that will help your skin glow healthily.

Keep Hydrated

Staying youthful could be as easy as drinking plenty of water. The better hydrated you are, the better your skin will look. If you aren’t hydrated enough, you will often find that your skin has a dull, sallow look to it, and lines and wrinkles are much more obvious.

Moisturizing is also important and is another way to keep your skin looking good. Moisturizing creams are something that many people choose not to use, even if they have other elements of a skincare regime in place because those creams can be expensive and cause problems for sensitive skin. However, there are some entirely natural, organic moisturizers that you can use, and these will look after your skin without causing irritation. They include ingredients such as argan oil and rose hips. By using these creams twice a day and regularly drinking plenty of water (as well as spraying your face with water throughout the day) you can keep hydrated and moisturized, and you will look more youthful.

A Positive Outlook

It may seem strange to suggest that a positive outlook can help you to look younger, but it does make sense when you think about it. What you are feeling on the inside certainly affects how you look on the outside. If it didn’t, no one would notice if you were feeling happy or sad!

Trying to keep a positive outlook isn’t always easy, and it will take practice to be in that state all the time, or as much of the time as possible, especially if you have naturally been a more negative kind of person. One way to begin is to smile all the time, even if you don’t feel like smiling. Not only will this make you look younger (frowning will show many more wrinkles), but over time, it will become your natural state. If it helps, try to think of all the things in life that you are grateful for.

Get Enough Sleep

Beauty sleep truly exists, and it is essential if you want to keep looking youthful. Sleeping well means that you will be more energetic, you will find it easier to lose weight, you will be less stressed, and you will be healthier in general. It also means that your body can rejuvenate properly overnight, and that includes giving your skin a healthy glow.

5 Tips For Anti-Ageing

Whether you are in your teens, late twenties or heading into retirement, now is the right time to prevent your skin from ageing. The earlier you start, the more gracefully your skin will age, so incorporate these anti-ageing tips into your beauty routine now and reap the benefits for years to come.

Wear sunscreen

wear sunscreen
No matter the season, if you are out and about in the sunshine, then you need to wear sunscreen. A lot of foundations and moisterisers now have an element of sun protection in them which is great for everyday use; however, if you are out on the water or spending the day outdoors, you definitely need to apply and reapply sunscreen to stop the sun from damaging you skin.

Don’t Smoke

Smoking has many adverse consequences for your body and health, so it’s no wonder it ages your skin prematurely too. Smoking ages your skin at a much faster rate than non-smokers, so much so that if you have been smoking for a couple of years, your skin will appear up to ten years older than your actual age. Not only does smoking age your skin, but it also gives it a yellow tinge, leaves bags under your eyes, makes you more susceptible to psoriasis, colours your teeth and makes your hair thinner.

Consider Medical Assistance

If you have noticed that your skin is ageing faster than you would like it to, perhaps you should consider medical assistance or cosmetic surgery to treat anti-ageing. Specialists such as cosmetic surgery for women have a number of procedures that may be suitable, including injectables, facial rejuvenation lasers, brow lifts and Ultra Violent Light treatments to combat hyperpigmentation.

Keep Hydrated

It’s as simple as it sounds – drink lots of water and stay hydrated for simple anti-ageing. When you treat your insides well, your skin reflects it, so don’t forget to drink water and eat foods that are rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Keeping your body and skin hydrated acts as a natural moisturiser, which helps to keep your skin from drying out and becoming prone to wrinkles.

Use Organic Products

Where possible, opt for cosmetic products and supplements that are organic, eco-friendly, and free from toxic chemicals. You want the ingredients list to be as natural and wholesome as possible, so next time you are buying new makeup, skincare products, and supplements, switch to something more suitable to help your skin prevent premature ageing. You may browse thorne.com for these products. A good way to put this into practice is to see whether you can actually read and understand the list of ingredients!

Ageing skin is one thing that you try to treat without changing your routine too much. If you protect your skin from the sun, don’t smoke, and use natural cosmetic products where possible, you’ll prolong the ageing process and see your skin retain its youthful appearance. Do you have any tips to add to this list? What do you think is the most effective anti-ageing solution? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

Image courtesy of Pixabay.com