Six Things You Can Do for a Healthy Smile

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Everyone wants to have a healthy smile. Not only does it look better, thereby providing us with more confidence in our appearance, but it helps to prevent future medical problems. Oral health is a large part of our overall health and taking care of your mouth can help out other parts of your body. So how do you get a healthy smile? Here are a few suggestions that anyone can use.

Brush Your Teeth Regularly

We know you’ve heard this one before, but it bears repeating. You need to give your teeth a good brushing every day, multiple times a day. You should be brushing at least twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. If you can sneak in another one during lunch, that would be even better.

When you’re brushing, be sure to do it for at least a minute, and give your entire mouth attention. Brush in small circular motions or invest in a good electric toothbrush for an even better cleaning. Brushing your teeth regularly is the basis for all good dental health, so don’t ignore it.

Add Flossing to the Mix

Besides brushing, you should also make time to floss your teeth. Brushing doesn’t get out anything that has become lodged in between your teeth, and this is where flossing comes in. Flossing only takes a couple extra minutes in the bathroom, so there’s really no excuse for not doing it. Not only will flossing help to keep your teeth healthy, but they will improve your gum health as well. If you’re not sure what the best method for flossing is, you can check out this guide.

Rinse Your Mouth Out

The third part of your hygiene routine should be to rinse out your mouth with mouthwash. This will get any of the areas you missed with your brush or floss and help to clean areas like your gums and tongues. If you don’t like the mouthwash that burns your mouth, there are other kinds available to you. After you brush and floss, rinse out your mouth for 30 seconds. You can also do this any other time of day, as it doesn’t take as long as flossing or brushing. If you’re in a rush, opt for a mouth rinse rather than doing nothing.

Teeth Whitening

Taking proper care of your mouth goes a long way towards a healthy smile. However, sometimes we need to other cosmetic things in order to get it where we want it. One of the more popular options is to use teeth whitening. You can get teeth whitening through your dentist, or there are strips you can use at home. With these strips you simply apply them to your teeth and leave them on for a little while. You do this every night for a few weeks, and over time your teeth turn a whiter shade. If your teeth have yellowed over the years, some whitening strips can go a long way towards a smile you’re confident in.

Dental Implants

In some cases, we are unhappy with our smile because of cracked or missing teeth. Maybe you were injured during a sporting event, or cracked it on a hard piece of candy. Whatever the case, you’ll want to consider getting a dental implant. Dental implants are essentially replacing a tooth with a fake one. Your dentist can handle this procedure for you, and make the new tooth look like it belongs with the rest. Dental implants are a relatively simple procedure, so if you have a tooth or several teeth that are bothering you, consider having them replaced.

Avoid Certain Foods and Drinks

Finally, a great way to have a healthier smile is by monitoring what you put in your mouth. Certain foods and drinks are more harmful to teeth and should therefore either be eliminated from your diet or reduced. Some examples are coffee, soda, and any sugary foods. If you are going to consume any of these foods or beverages, try to brush your teeth immediately after so that it doesn’t have time to corrode your teeth and gums.

Keep Up Healthy Habits

To have a truly healthy smile, you can’t just do the above once. You need to turn them into healthy habits and continue doing them for a long time to come. Give yourself enough time in the bathroom to brush, floss, and rinse. Schedule regular doctor visits. Watch your diet. And, if your smile still isn’t where it’s at, consider cosmetic alterations such as whitening strips or dental implants. When you do all of these things combined, you’re setting yourself up for a lifetime of good oral health and a great looking smile.

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