Braces Can Enhance Your Look and Give You a Wonderful Smile

At one time or the other you have seen children with braces on their teeth. The thought crosses your mind that their parents are considerate about straightening the crooked teeth and improving cosmetic looks of their children. Many people think that, their children cannot eat solid foods with the braces and braces can also spread some bacterial ingredients in their mouth. It is a wrong concept and you can eat anything with braces, and it can straighten your teeth as well as design your teeth in a proper shape. In this regards, you can contact your nearest dentist and they will suggest you the proper braces according to your needs.

How do braces work?

The periodontal ligament fixes the tooth to the bone and it is elastic. The living tissue can be gently forced over time to change its direction and alignment. A dentist puts in place orthodontic appliance commonly known as braces that are comprises of brackets affixed on the teeth with flexible wires that exert constant pressure and thus change the angle of the periodontal ligament.


Psychological benefit of braces implementation:

Like it or not people with crooked teeth and protruding teeth are treated with social bias and this does affect their psyche. If parents take action to straighten teeth of their children with the use of braces put in place by a dentist, they are making sure that their children will not have to suffer socially degrading remarks. Braces shall make their teeth organized and it will increase their self-confidence level.

Health benefits of braces:

Braces straighten teeth but the benefits go beyond mere straightening. There are health benefits as well to teeth that are straighter, better aligned and closely fitting in the mouth. Various health benefits include:

  • By closing the gap there are less chance of food or other particles lodging in the gaps and decaying, thus causing damage and caries.
  • By moving and aligning teeth, braces cause teeth to fit together snugly and give support to each other without overhangs. This has two benefits. One is that the teeth do not grind together resulting in reduced erosion of enamel.
  • Misaligned teeth or crooked teeth can scrape inner tissues or the tongue and be a constant irritation resulting in lack of concentration. Braces align teeth and improve comfort level inside the mouth, leading to overall increased performance in life.
  • It has been found that straightened and well aligned teeth, as a result of fitment of braches, also help reduce chances of periodontal diseases. Periodontal diseases carry the threat of heart diseases, stroke, pneumonia and complications in diabetes.

Different kinds of braces:


Nature intended us to have straight teeth and for good reason. You can speak well when teeth are well aligned.

  • You can chew well and your digestion as well as food absorption capabilities stay in top condition. Straight teeth are not quite as susceptible to injury and damage as crooked teeth.
  • The good thing about braces is that one does not need to be a child to have them fitted. Even adults can have them fitted to improve alignment of their teeth and enjoy benefits beyond the aesthetic one of a good smile.
  • There are various types of orthodontic braces that can be chosen. One is the traditional brace with orthodontic wires that are visible in people undergoing such treatment.

Another, more modern innovation is a brace made of clear, transparent plastic, custom designed to suit the patient’s teeth. It may seem embarrassing for a person to wear braces but these are for only a limited duration for a year or two at the most.

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Learning How to Live with your New Braces

Adjusting to your new braces will take some time as not only do they require a lot of care, but they affect what you can eat and they can also be uncomfortable. Learning how to take care of your braces is the first challenge to master, along with discovering how to manage the discomfort, knowing which foods to avoid and realising how to feel confident while wearing your braces. Focusing on the end result can help you to get through the process but let’s take a look at what else can be done to make it easier to get used to life with your new braces.


Taking Care of Braces

It is important to ensure that your braces are not broken or damaged throughout your course of treatment as this can prolong the process. Brushing and flossing regularly is vital as your mouth needs to be healthy to receive orthodontic treatment. Professional teeth cleaning by a dentist is a useful way to ensure your mouth is properly cleaned and if you suffer from gum disease, you may also want to make an appointment with a periodontist.

Managing the Discomfort

Your mouth will need some time to adjust to having a foreign object in it and general soreness is common for the first couple of weeks. Teeth are often tender, lips can get sore and cheeks can feel irritated but they will all toughen up to the braces after a while and in the meantime, you can rinse your mouth with warm salt water to ease the soreness. If you want to find out more about managing the pain caused by wearing braces or you want to do some research on getting dental implants, you can look online by using a search term such as dental implants in Sussex or whichever area you are based in. You can also make an appointment with your orthodontist or dentist to get more advice about anything related to your dental care.

Eating with Braces

There are some foods that should be avoided to make it easier to get used to wearing braces.

Here is a list of what to avoid:

• Hard food such as apples, carrots or corn on the cob
• Popcorn as the small kernels can get caught up in the wire
• Sticky food like caramel or chewing gum
• Tough meat such as ribs or steak

There is no need to worry about altering your diet dramatically and don’t panic that you won’t be able to eat anything anymore as there are plenty of tasty foods that are perfect for new brace wearers to eat. Anything soft or liquidised is ideal such as sandwiches, soups, smoothies, seafood, mashed potato, boiled vegetables, ice cream, jelly and minced meat. It is a good idea to brush your teeth around three-five times per day or at the very least after you eat. This will not only help to reduce the embarrassing problem of getting food stuck in your braces but it will also stop a build-up of food from forming between your teeth and the metal.

Stop Worrying About Your Appearance

Lastly, many people won’t even notice you are wearing braces and the more you try to hide them, the more noticeable they become. You can begin by smiling with your mouth closed if you feel overly self-conscious and if you are that concerned, you can wear clear brackets.

In the long run, if you follow the instructions from your orthodontist, you will be able to enjoy straight, healthy and clean teeth, and a beautiful smile will be waiting for you at the end of the treatment.

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